Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Obsessions: Good or evil?

I know that it's ridiculous to obsess over certain things. For instance, obsessing over the one strand of gray, tucked neatly away under a lock of hair or a picture frame having a glare so bright that it can't be seen when you're standing right in front of it. Yes, I obsess over things like this. I know it's ridiculous but let's call it what it is. I have a mild case of OCD.

For the last...oh, let's say year...I've been obsessing over grammar usage.  The only time I really don't care is when I am so angry that I can't think straight.  Yes, I'm talking about cursing.  I'm not going to lie, I curse.  Frequently.  It's a bad habit and one of these years I may make a resolution to fix that. ((Then again, see yesterday's post)). It drives my husband, among others, crazy.  You know who you are, don't lie.

I will admit, there are times when I fail at grammar--it's rare, but it happens--and no, I am not including the times when I am irrational in my cursing technique.  Sometimes I think cursing should be a language of it's own like Pig-Latin, which, let's be honest, borders on spoonerism.  Honestly it isn't just grammar, but spelling is included in this huge little annoyance.

On the grammar side of things:
Your vs You're
One is possession (your) and the other is a conjunction (you're).  
Conjunctions can show past or present tense, though some may disagree.
I however, don't.
Your shirt is too small.
You're (you are/were) being ridiculous.

There vs Their vs They're
I know! Three words, same sound different meanings. 
No wonder the English language is considered to be one of the most difficult languages to learn!
One is position (there), one is possession (their) and again the last is a conjunction (They're).
There you are!
Their kids are noisy!
They're (they are) going to have another baby!

Its vs It's
Possession (its) and conjunction (it's).
Let the cat play with its toy.
It's (it is) all going to work out.

There are so many others, that I could go on and on! (Than vs Then, Should of vs Should have, Toward(s), Backward(s)) Maybe I'll scribe about those another time.  I digress...

I know; it's so simple, right? Apparently not, but that's why there are book editors, language teachers, English professors, etc... I know, most of us hated our English/Language Arts teachers in school, but there is an actual reason for them. Shocking, I know!

So why am I going on about this?  Because I have been reading through emails, magazines and even some very good published works that, apparently, were not edited or didn't have an educated editor.  It's unbelievable how many pieces are published that have such horrible mistakes.  I'm speaking of some media sites (AP News, Fox News, Yahoo! News)!  If these "professionals" are able to make mistakes like that, then why can't we all be writers/editors/publishers?  No one would be jobless!

It's a scary and intriguing thought.
Am I good or evil?

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