Thursday, January 12, 2012


I truly hate this subject, but I can't get it out of my head.  A conversation I had with a friend earlier is playing on a loop in my head like a song I can't forget but desperately want to. When I need to get a song out of my head, I play it, so by deductive reasoning, in order to get this out of my head, I need to "get it down on paper"--so to speak.

We were having a conversation about this person being in search of a relationship, and how some people had just been downright rude. This person is on a singles website--a social network for singles--and has been receiving and sending messages to people. Some have responded with a simple "thanks, but no thanks" which is fine; it basically means "not interested."

Sadly, some people have decided to take the "thanks, but no thanks" a bit too far. Saying things like "you're ugly" or "maybe you should give up." WOW! Where the hell do people get off labeling someone as ugly? This person isn't gorgeous, but they most certainly aren't lacking in the looks department.

Take a good long look in a mirror, and excuse the hell out of me, but who exactly is "ugly" here?  Ugly would be the attitude.  Just because someone doesn't live up to a standard you have placed so high up on a pedestal that few are bound to reach, doesn't give you the right to judge them.  If you're such a catch, then what is your happy ass butt doing on a singles' site looking for a relationship?  Check yourself, because you are a wreck!

I actually started to feel bad for my friend, but then they made matters worse, and I no longer felt sorry for them.  I pitied them.  Why?

Because not five minutes later, they're talking about someone that had messaged them, and how they couldn't respond because the person was so horrible looking that they could have a nightmare.

What the...?

I'm not one to sugarcoat or hide my feelings when I get peeved which is sometimes my downfall, so I told my friend that they were being an asshat jerk! It's called karma you dumbass freak!  You say things like that about others, and it's liable to come back to bite you in the arse!

They were a bit taken aback by my response, but after a lengthy discussion, then realized that they had offended with the exact action that they were accusing the other person of committing. 


**head meet desk**

"The surest cure for vanity is loneliness"
~Thomas Wolfe

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