I don't have kids of my own, not by choice, but I do have numerous nieces and nephews. I know it's not the same, but it's what I have, and I am dealing with what I
have been given. I often envy mothers for the treasure they've been blessed with. I know what some of you mothers are thinking, "She's off her rocker!" If I were in your shoes, I may be saying the same, but I'm not and probably won't be, so my vision is a bit skewed. Indulge me, because I think you will appreciate what I have to say.
You know the quote, "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry"? That is what happened early this morning. I had planned to do a few DIY projects at the house today, but I was in no hurry to get out of bed. As a matter of fact, I was passed out and in a very dreamy state when my phone pulled me out. Lately, I've been sleeping through the melody, but today I was easily yanked "off stage right" by it at 7am.

I was being asked to play mommy for the day. My two littlest nieces were the only ones that were in good health in a house of six. Their mother was too weak to care for them and the rest of the house was not fairing much better. I, of course, agreed to the undertaking of such an awesome responsibility. Why wouldn't I? They are my nieces, and I love them to pieces.
I knew I would not be able to get my projects done for the day, but I figured I could definitely get some chores done that I had planned to put off until tomorrow. That should be the easiest thing, right? Uh, yeah... Not really. It is definitely something you have to be used to. I watch them often, but never really for more than four hours by myself. Usually, I just leave a hole in my day, so that I can spend time playing games, having tea, building castles out of chairs and blankets or seeing what Mickey Mouse's latest escapade was that week.
I picked them up and brought them over to my home. After bringing their items in, I began to cook their breakfast while attempting to make myself a much needed cup of coffee. I am no good in the mornings without my medium-dark roast. I have a Keurig machine so it couldn't be easier, right? I mean all you do is pop a K-cup in, turn it on, once the blue light flashes, close it up, press the appropriate size (LARGE today) and viola, a deliciously aromatic cup of joe. For some reason, it wasn't so simple today.

I nearly burned the eggs, because I had lost focus and was staring down the toaster instead of the stove. I finished making our breakfast and sat down with them to eat a slice of toast. I only realized I'd forgotten my coffee when I went to reach for the cup I thought I'd brought to the table with me. I went to the kitchen and couldn't find my favorite insulated cup--that I wash daily just to use it--the blue lights are flashing, and I still have the apple juice container sitting on the counter. I go to put it away, and find my cup, sitting where the apple juice bottle had been shelved earlier.
How do you mothers get through your mornings?! Although, in my defense, I was awakened off schedule, I hope structure helps you all get through.
The day progressed pretty well. After breakfast, and my second cup of coffee, I got the girls dressed (forcibly with the youngest), and went to our kid-friendly room in the house--the Disney room. We played a little before I decided I needed to clean up breakfast and I thought, "why not?" I may as well clean the entire kitchen. Oh, if only.
Only thirty seconds in the kitchen and I hear the toddling little feet heading in my direction. It started out innocently enough with a simple request to watch
Snow White. Then another request to sit for this one part I
had to see--"Watch this, it's good. No not that part, it's coming. Sit here with me." She pats the couch and I obey like a good auntie. About halfway through the movie, I tried to get up again, but it was drawing time! Something to do while watching the movie. I figured it was no big deal, because the busier they were, the busier I could get at cleaning the house.
Lunch happened soon after that, and of course we couldn't agree on one meal, so I made three. Last night's leftovers for me, PB&J with carrot sticks for the little and grilled cheese with carrot sticks and apple junks for the littlest little. Then it was time for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, because the little buggers remembered that I'd said they could watch it after lunch. Since I hadn't been clear enough on the timing of said viewing, the loophole I'd left allowed a minor manipulation in the agreement. These kids are good! Little angels!
Someone needs to put a camera on a kid from the time of their birth and figure out when they begin to gain skills in manipulation and debate.
Of course, littlest little one decides I need to sit and promptly crawls onto my lap and cuddles against my chest. She passes out within five minutes of doing so, and the other little is asking for a snack. I told her that she could have one when littlest little woke from her nap. I take the cuddler to the Disney room and lie her down, and yay for me, she didn't even stir! Ten minutes later little miss "I have to have a snack now" conks out.
PEACE at last!
Now there came a debate between my head and my body. Do I nap with them, knowing perfectly well that I may not be sleeping tonight, or do I get some work done around the house? House won. Damnit! Although, in hindsight, I suppose it didn't really matter much. While I was able to get the dishwasher loaded and running, Littlest Little awoke ten minutes later and attempted to rouse her still sleeping older sister. That was a battle. I tried to get her to hang with me in the Disney room, but she really wanted her sister.
Before I knew it, the older little woke up, I gave them their snack and we Skyped with another aunt of their's. All of a sudden I look at the clock and it is nearly 6pm and I hadn't even begun to cook dinner. I rushed in, started dinner and found out that the dear, sweet man that I call my husband, was not going to be home for dinner. LUCKY!
The older little came into the kitchen and told me that her tummy hurt. I asked if she felt like food was going to come out of her mouth or if she felt like the potty would help. She chose the latter and when she came back out, she seemed okay. I was finishing up dinner when she came in and told me that she wasn't hungry, and she began to cry. HARD. I texted her mother--because I didn't want to wake her--let her know what all was going on and asked her what she would like me to do.
Twenty minutes later, just as I'm getting the kids in their carseats, Mama and Daddy show up to take them home. I had been with those two toddlers for less than ten hours. I was exhausted and didn't realize that I had once again overstretched a muscle near my ribs, until I bent to pick up a cracker off the floor.
You stay-at-home mothers and fathers...I don't know whether to envy you or give you a medal for all that you go through on a daily basis. You need a lot of patience, a phonetic toddler to adult glossary, be willing to give up control and give up sleep.
I won't call you saints, because no one wants to live up to that kind of ideal, but you are damn near. I have never been so exhausted in my life, and I had painfully intense physical therapy not too long ago. I applaud your every effort. How you keep your sanity when there is so much chaos to be dealt with, I'll probably never know. I don't believe anyone could truly fathom it.
I cleaned seven spills, wiped down the bathroom three times, kept a toddler from eating dog food and a dog treat, picked up the playroom twice, stood guard over Timeout Tower, etc...Long
ass day.