My genealogical research was stalled on a very important branch of the tree just two weeks ago. The growth was stunted, because I was totally unable to find any information. Instead of moving forward or staying in place, I decided to go back into the trunk and see if there was something I'd missed in the layers of bark. Unfortunately, I only revealed to myself that I really had missed anything. Every layer was in line and revealing every facet laid out in full perfect detail, save for one thing...I had chosen to ignore a tiny piece of information.
Why ignore it?
Because the email address for the data was over a decade old, and I honestly didn't believe that ANYONE would still have an AOL address. I had seen this address numerous times in my research, and each time I noted the information that had been given in a forum and then moved past the contact without another thought.
I did this again just last week and decided to throw my hands up and resign myself to pray that someone would be able to find the information some day. I moved away from the computer to break myself free for a few minutes before working on another branch.
I continued in my usually successful attempt to ignore this bit of information, only this time I felt like I was a mother with a child that desperately wanted my attention. I was being poked, with my apron skirt being tugged on and a little voice kept asking me, "Why can't you talk to that one? Why? Why? Why?! Come on, let's try it. Please, can we? Huh? Please can't we just do it?!" Or like in Family Guy, Stewie nagging at Lois
You mothers, aunts, grandmothers, daycare givers and older sisters know exactly what I'm talking about--maybe even a few male counterparts. There is always a little one doing just that to you for one reason or another. And what do we do when this happens? We give in and, just to shut them up, do as they ask. So, I did just that.
I needed my brain to leave me alone about that contact. I was 99.9% certain that there would be nothing coming from that contact. Ever. Never going to happen.
Never. Say. "Never."
The very next morning there was a response to my email inquiry. I sent a timid and gentle reply back, thanking them for their time and that if they couldn't give me much more than what I already had, I would understand.
Two weeks later, that branches bark has strengthened. Twigs have began to branch off to create even more beautiful branches have began to weave their way through and leaves have begun shine brightly. The branch of that tree is once again blooming with information.
The smallest pebble on a mountain, may cause a landslide.
The gentlest of missteps can cause a small pile of snow to turn into an avalanche.
Never give up, never surrender.
When you believe things are hopeless, hang on to that sliver of hope that is teasingly dangling by a very thin and frayed piece of string.
All this and a small discussion on Facebook have increased my desire to write. I have an idea, and it will require quite a bit of research, but I am ready for it. I am welcoming the challenge that it may bring. If I can succeed when all hope seemed lost, why couldn't I succeed when there is more than a glimmer of a chance at something?
Once you choose hope, anything is possible.
~Christopher Reeve
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