Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Communication Trap

Ever trap your spouse or significant other in a conversation that they have no way out of? I'm sure we all have a technique. Mine is during road trips. There's nowhere to hide.

**insert evil witch cackle here**

I used to be my husband's navigator. Then he purchased a GPS. He didn't much like the fact that I always knew where we were going and that he was at my mercy. Okay, it may not be for that reason, but it was comical because we always took the same route to the only place we really go on any road trip. Disneyland. After eleven plus years, you'd think it would be a "duh" at this point.

Back to the many times have we gotten lost since? Numerous! She's - I say she, because the voice he has chosen is a British woman - even attempted to kill us by driving us into a brick wall. I think she's jealous. When she is wrong, and she is, I am there to navigate us back to where we need to be to get where we're going.

Disneyland: California Adventure

For the times when the husband doesn't need me to guide us to our destination, I really don't have anything to do except speak to him about various things. Some of you know what I'm getting to. It's the roadtrip trap.  He's got nowhere to go.  He has to talk about whatever subject I bring up, that is unless he brings up his own topic.

I's wrong to do it, but seriously when do we have six hours to sit and discuss things that are happening in our lives?  By the time he calms down from his long day at work, he's ready to go to sleep.  I don't have the heart to try to bring up serious topics of conversation after he's had a rough day - which is almost always, since union negotiations began eight months ago.  Our weekends are usually filled with running this way and that to go to different family events or to complete a home project.

I try to justify my trapping him into a conversation by telling myself that if I just get the conversation out of the way, we can both relax and enjoy our little trip.

We always pack our "vacation" days with fun activities so there is, honestly, little relaxing being done. Sometimes our plans work out and other times they don't.  Those events become topic of conversation for the trip back.

This week...we're driving five and a half hours to see family and friends for Thanksgiving with a side trip to Disneyland.

Topic? I'll have to save the subject for a later post.